Language Mag
Learning Dutch doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many resources available for free. I thought it’d be useful to create a big list of the ones I use, used, or like, right here.

List of Free Dutch Language Learning Resources

Language Learning Websites

Duolingo – In my opinion this is the number one free language learning site for learning Dutch. At the end of the course you can expect to be around about an A2 level in Reading/Writing (Listening and Speaking, unfortunately, much lower).

Lingq – Ample opportunity to practice reading and translation. I have to say that this isn’t really a site I enjoy, I’d rather use Duolingo, but it might suit some people so I’m mentioning it here anyway – a variety of online language lessons, resources, and videos. Best used in conjunction with other resources.

Memrise – Memrise uses spaced repetition to help you learn words. This is a quick and effective way to improve your vocabulary. Memrise contains a lot of Dutch courses (which are essentially vocabulary lists).

Dutch Language Explanations

Dutch Grammar – A little heavy going at points in time, but this site answers just about every grammar question a Dutch language learner could have. This is a very detailed site that I often use when I want to understand something or refresh my memory of how an aspect of the language works.

Verbix – check your Dutch conjugations

Forvo – check Dutch word pronounciation


Listening – This site pulls a lot of audio files from a free database and asks you to write what you hear. This is a clever idea and a good way of improving your listening skills. However, I find that even some of the “easy” audio files aren’t very well pronounced and are therefore quite difficult.

Lyrics Training – A clever site that takes Dutch language songs from youtube and plays them with the words underneath. Every so often there is a word missing which you need to type to fill in the blank. The more you get right, the more points you get. This is a fun way to improve your listening skills.


jeugdjournal – Various short TV programmes intended for children of all ages (i.e. easy for language learners to understand!) – Dutch TV station online. I find that programmes such as travel programmes or those with presenters are easier to understand due to the clear pronounciation that presenters tend to have, also those programmes targetted at teenagers.

Newspapers – Possibly the easiest one I have found to understand. There’s a regular stream of new stories coming in that means visiting this site several times a day will continue to turn up articles to read. – Is an Amsterdam centered news site. Find out things about amsterdam that don’t make the international news scene. Not as frequently updates as metro nieuws but has interesting stories. I tend to visit once a day. Some articles draw a nice number of comments, which I find interesting for understanding opinions and getting a grasp of more regular use of the Dutch language. – A bit more complicated than the above two. For when I’m feeling a bit more serious, I might dabble into reading the telegraaf website. Generally I’ll just pick a couple of articles I find interesting. – Parool tends to push my word looking up skills to the max, but often has a number of interesting articles. I’ll visit here every so often. – I never read this but have put this here in case you want to! This paper is often quoted as the source of stories on other sites.

Dutch Podcasts

The Say It In Dutch Podcast – read in slow, easy, Dutch. This podcast is my favourite way of improving my Dutch listening skills.


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